Workshop in Maria Laach attracted several Austrian stakeholders
On October 8, Austrian Institute of Technology and AGRAR Plus organized the first Austrian national stakeholder workshop in the Flexi-Sync project, at the site of the pilot plant for Austria, in Maria Laach am Jauerling.
The workshop attracted stakeholders from the municipality of Maria Laach, Office of the Lower Austrian (Niederösterreich -NÖ) Government Department RU3, Chamber of Agriculture NÖ Department Renewable Energy, Bioenergie NÖ, Biowärmeverband NÖ, and heat consumers. After the presentation of the project and of the climate and energy targets of the provincial government of Lower Austria, a discussion was held on how to contribute to the further project targets.
The valuable inputs from the workshop participants will ensure that the Austrian contribution to the Flexi-Sync project will be more in line with the local requirements, particularly regarding business models, modelling and characterisation of flexibility and the implementation at the demo-site Maria Laach.
After the workshop, a joint visit of the Bioenergy NÖ plant Maria Laach was scheduled. This is a typical biomass district heating plant in the rural area of Lower Austria. The results of the Maria Laach plant will be scaled up to all of Lower Austria's approximately 800 biomass district heating plants and the impact for the whole province will be assessed. Read more about the Maria Laach demo site here External link..
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