Biological tests
Biological test methods provide answers to the total toxicity in a sample. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute offers custom-made test programs and standard tests for the aquatic and terrestrial environment.
Biological and ecotoxicological tests are used in condition tests, among other things. The tests can provide answers to whether there is an impact or risk of negative effects as a result of chemical substances in soil, sediments or in discharges to water recipients. The tests take into account exposure to the complex mixtures of different chemical substances that occur in the environment (combination effects). They also provide a measure of the bioavailability of pollutants.
Biological tests are also used in anaerobic digestion experiments. BMP tests are used to find out the methane potential of various organic materials, while continuous anaerobic digestion tests more closely mimic real production conditions in technical facilities.
The analyzes are performed in our laboratories. Many of our measurement and analysis methods are accredited by Swedac External link, opens in new window. according to SS-EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018. For other methods, we work based on corresponding quality routines.
Hire IVL for:
- Tests in aquatic environments and polluted sediments
- Tests in contaminated soil
- Tests in endocrine disruptors (estrogenic and androgenic effects)
- Batch run and continuous anaerobic digestion experiments
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